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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Parenthetical)
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Capital Structure and Accumulated Comprehensive Income
Business Combination
Accounts Receivable
Property, Plant and Mine Development
Debt And Capital Leases
Asset Retirement Obligations
Fair Value Accounting
Commitments and Contingencies
Income Taxes
Pension and Post-Retirement Benefits
Obligations under Guarantees
Segment Reporting
Subsequent Events
Accounting Policies
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Capital Structure and Accumulated Comprehensive Income (Tables)
Business Combination (Tables)
Accounts Receivable (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Property, Plant and Mine Development (Tables)
Debt And Capital Leases (Tables)
Asset Retirement Obligations (Tables)
Fair Value Accounting (Tables)
Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)
Pension and Post-Retirement Benefits (Tables)
Segment Reporting (Tables)
Notes Details
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Detail)
Capital Structure and Accumulated Comprehensive Income (Detail)
Capital Structure and Accumulated Comprehensive Income - Schedule of Quarterly Cash Dividends (Details)
Capital Structure and Accumulated Comprehensive Income - Earnings Per Share (Details)
Capital Structure and Accumulated Comprehensive Income - Changes in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Detail)
Business Combination (Details)
Business Combination - Schedule of Purchase Price Calculation (Details)
Business Combination - Schedule of Purchase Price Allocation (Details)
Business Combination - Schedule of Intangible Assets Acquired as Part of Business Combination (Details)
Business Combination - Schedule of Pro Forma Financial Information (Details)
Accounts Receivable - Schedule of Accounts Receivable (Detail)
Accounts Receivable - Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (Details)
Inventories - Schedule of Inventories (Detail)
Property, Plant and Mine Development - Schedule of Property, Plant and Mine Development (Detail)
Property, Plant and Mine Development (Details)
Debt And Capital Leases - Schedule of Debt (Detail)
Debt And Capital Leases (Detail)
Debt And Capital Leases - Schedule of Contractual Maturities of Debt (Detail)
Debt And Capital Leases - Schedule of Contractual Maturities of Note Payable Secured by Royalty Interest (Details)
Debt And Capital Leases - Schedule of Contractual Maturities of Customer Note Payable (Details)
Debt And Capital Leases - Schedule of Future Minimum Payments for Capital Leases (Detail)
Asset Retirement Obligations (Detail)
Asset Retirement Obligations - Schedule of Changes in Asset Retirement Obligation (Detail)
Fair Value Accounting - Schedule of Measure at Fair Value on Recurring Basis (Detail)
Commitments and Contingencies - Schedule of Future Minimum Annual Commitments (Details)
Commitments and Contingencies (Detail)
Income Taxes (Details)
Pension and Post-Retirement Benefits - Summarizes Information about Pension and Post-Retirement Benefit Plans (Detail)
Pension and Post-Retirement Benefits (Detail)
Obligations Under Guarantees (Detail)
Segment Reporting (Detail)
Segment Reporting - Presentation of Sales and Segment Contribution Margin for Reporting Segments and Other Operating Results (Detail)
Subsequent Events (Details)
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